United Women in Faith
How do you evolve a brand?
Research • Ideation • Messages • LOGO • visual system • writing • Website
• collateral • Digital Templates • Videos • training

Do your research
Adapting to change is important for any brand, but it was vital for this Christian women’s group facing a possible division of its 800,000+ members worldwide. We helped organize an ideation and research process that gathered insight from a diverse pool of both current and future members. This research paved the way for a successful brand launch strategy and helped everyone involved prepare for the multi-year process.

Stay relevant
Our team provided message development, logo and visual system design, and implementation of dozens of tools to accomplish a full brand launch that transformed United Methodist Women into United Women in Faith. The new brand reflects the fresh direction of the organization while still remaining true to their faith-based roots.

Be accessible
It’s important to reach people where they are. When you’re serving a multi-generational group of women that means being in tune with each specific audience and knowing how they prefer to connect with you. Through our work, membership was redefined to include virtual spaces, not just church basements. We created tools for easy online access and videos to show the United Women in Faith brand in action.

Get the word out
We provided brand training and created a simple online resource area where the organization can share assets internally and with their members across the globe. The bold new brand reflects the current world and is successfully welcoming in faithful women of all denominations.
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