E.A. Sween Company Consumer Products
How do you turn marketing into sales?
Collateral • Signage • POP • Writing • Video • Photography Management • Art Direction

Use the right tools in the right channels.
It’s said the average human’s attention span is only eight seconds. We kept this in mind as we helped E.A. Sween Company develop spot-on consumer brand messages to make quick and enticing impressions. When applied to a variety of campaign communications including point-of-sale posters, shelf talkers, social media videos, and retail collateral, the messages, tools, and channels worked in harmony to grab consumer’s attention.
Make sure your product looks great.
When you’re selling food, imagery is important. Our team provided the expert art direction and photography management needed to create mouth-watering images and videos.

Be consistent with every audience.
In order to get consumer-facing materials and products into convenience stores, we developed smart sales tools for use in presenting to retail buyers. Consistency was key, the sales materials had to look good to the buyers and represent the E.A. Sween Company brand well at every touchpoint opportunity.

E.A. Sween Company
Why do consumers matter in a B2B world?
United Women in Faith
How do you evolve a brand?
How do you hatch a new brand?