Who are your content creators?
Match up your team’s skill sets with the right roles for better outcomes.

Good content doesn’t just happen. It requires planning, honing of messages, polishing of details, and timely delivery.
Do you have the right team of experts working together to get the most out of the process? Here’s a list of typical content creators. Use it to consider all the roles needed when developing good content and to make sure you are utilizing your team for the skills that fit them best.
The Idea Generator: Able to develop creative ideas and big-picture thinking but may not always excel at managing details and bringing ideas to life in a final form. When the idea generator is paired with a good organizer and writer, the content will thrive.
The Expert: Knows the content inside and out but might not be able to translate it for the general public. Connect your expert with a good writer, and your content will be smart and audience focused.
The Writer: Skilled at turning raw content and random thoughts into interesting and externally focused information but needs critical input from experts and will always benefit from a detailed proofer.
The Organizer: Can see the forest and the trees and knows how to seamlessly bring it all together so it makes sense in the world, but not necessarily skilled at polishing the final words. Use this person to shepherd ideas, manage the details, and guide the process for the overall team.
The Detailed Proofer: Never misses a beat or a spelling error. Make sure you have someone on your team with these vital skills to provide a final review for any important content before it’s released out into the world.
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