Make Your Marketing Personal

8 ways to forge a connection with your customers by being more human.

Wendy Ruyle 6.22.2021


We as humans like to do business with those we trust. And the way to make your customers trust you is to build a relationship with them. That means getting personal.

Here are some ways to increase the personal touch in your marketing touchpoints.

1. Consider their needs

Always start by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes. Think about what they want to hear vs. what you want to tell them. When choosing incentives, think about what they will appreciate. When deciding on a communication channel, find out what they prefer. Being customer-centric means just that—putting them at the center of all your decisions.

2. Ask questions

If you don’t know what your customers need, ask them. Don’t just show up and throw up your usual sales pitch. Ask them what their concerns and needs are before you offer options. For B2B relationships this can be done in a conversation. When you are reaching out to a bigger group of consumers, include regular surveys and opportunities to give reviews. Then pay attention to what you hear.

3. Provide customizable options

Personal can also mean customizable. Be sure you don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. Find ways to make your product or service tailored to each client. That might mean having a variety of pricing tiers, color choices on a product, or newsletters with a topic tracks. Remember to keep the options simple, though. Too many choices can paralyze a buyer.

4. Spend time with them

No one wants to feel rushed through the sales process. Budget the time you need to make sure customers feel heard. Don’t cut calls or meetings short. And when you spend more time with your customers, you learn more about them. Take them out to lunch or coffee and really get to know them as a person.

5. Spread joy

Who doesn’t need more joy in their life? We all have the power to spread it. From a simple compliment at the beginning of a meeting to a rewards program to a gift on a special occasion, a surprise pick-me-up can make customers feel appreciated and part of the family.

6. Make your space welcoming

People need to be welcoming, but so do spaces. Whether it is a physical space or an online space, make yours one that says, “Come on in!” Easy directions, good lighting, comfortable chairs, and friendly hospitality make a physical space the place you want to be. Online, make sure video calls are just as comfortable and give everyone an opportunity to participate as they prefer.

7. Put a face to a name

When we see faces, we connect more. Make sure to have photos of staff on your website and use them in customer service chats. As consumers, if we know we are talking to a real person, and not a bot, we behave better. This will make your staff’s lives better too.

8. Admit when you’re wrong

We all screw up sometimes. When you do it, admit your mistake and find out the best way to fix it. Your customers will remember how you went above and beyond to fix an error. And if you correct it to their satisfaction, they’ll probably think more of you than if no mistake happened at all.

Small kindnesses go a long way in marketing and branding. Incorporating a few of these recommendations is sure to increase your personal connections and affect your bottom line.

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