Repurpose Old Ideas to Spark Something New
Learn how to save inspiration and use it in your creative process.

We had a client ask us during a project planning session, “Can’t you just recycle an old idea and then charge us less?”
Well, not exactly. But I have to admit, reusing old ideas is sometimes part of the creative process. That’s not to say we can take a design from one client swap out the logo and give it to another client. Boy wouldn’t that be slick, but probably not very effective. We do, however, keep files and records of random “good ideas” that we stumble upon during our work or in life.
I have a folder on my desktop called “random thoughts” and it’s full of everything that inspires me. It has pictures of places I want to visit, links to quirky websites, lists of inspirational quotes, and notes on strange ideas that came to me in the shower. When I need to stimulate my thinking, I open it up and see what jumps out.
Even this idea isn’t new
Creative thinkers throughout time have utilized this process to uncover unique ideas. Thomas Edison kept more than 3,500 notebooks of ideas he would reference back to, rethink, or use for inspiration. Walt Whitman kept envelopes of random thoughts and inspirational words. As he worked on poems and essays, he would draw out of these envelopes and weave together a tapestry of creativity.
How can you reuse and recycle?
Start by being attuned to your surroundings. What makes you smile, stop to think, or look twice? Grab images on your phone or even collect tactile things that spark your physical senses and then file them away for future use as inspiration. You might think you’ll remember the good stuff, but you’re bombarded by too much noise to rely on a mental file folder to do the trick. Plus, by developing a “creative idea” file, you can get a bit more organized as it grows.
For example, you could arrange items of inspiration by how you might use them—such as a file for product launch ideas or strategy ideas. Or maybe by how it makes you feel, such as things that are exciting, relaxing, or new. Whatever makes sense to you, is the right way to organize.
The important thing is to just start doing it. You’ll be surprised how much it will have a positive influence on your creativity and the way you think.
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