Happy to Report

5 by 5 Design celebrates award-winning work.


Cover of brochure about United Women in Faith's Soul Care programInterior of brochure about United Women in Faith's Soul Care program

5 by 5 Design is excited to share our recent award of distinction from the 2024 Communicator Awards.

The Communicator Awards is an international contest recognizing excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication—this year marks their 30th season. Our winning work was for nonprofit United Women in Faith, and included a brochure, manual, and video for their Soul Care campaign.

We’re thankful for the opportunity our clients and partners provide us to create award-winning work.

Cover of a Soul Care retreat manualInterior spread of a Soul Care retreat manual

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Inspiring Others

5 by 5 Design‘s Wendy Ruyle shares tips for building self confidence.

Top Honors

5 by 5 Design is celebrating award-winning work from 2023.

Show and Tell

5 by 5 Design shares recent branding work completed for worldwide organization, United Women in Faith.


3608 Aldrich Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55409

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